Celebrating the ancient Japanese art of Kintsugi, This project explores the difficult process of overcoming despair and sheds light on the process of self-healing and rejuvenation.

Drawing parallels to the meticulous repair of broken pottery with a precious metal like gold, the project symbolizes the vigorous yet exquisite journey of navigating through depression. With the concept of Kintsugi as a powerful metaphor, This project lays emphasis on embracing ones fractured selves and finding beauty in their healing process. By acknowledging the cracks and imperfections in their lives, they can begin to see them as sources of strength rather than sources of shame.

This project is a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there is potential for growth and transformation. By embracing the philosophy of Kintsugi, the aim is to empower individuals to embrace their journey towards healing and emerge from depression with resilience, grace, and a renewed sense of purpose."


Yin & Yang